In the "It’s Floriduh, Man" TV series, Raymond, a polished professional, encounters Oscar, a disheveled hitchhiker from his past, on his way to a high school reunion. Their unexpected reunion spirals into a comedic and surreal adventure filled with bizarre antics, as Oscar’s erratic behavior contrasts sharply with Raymond’s stable yet unremarkable life. Despite initial skepticism, Raymond grows to appreciate Oscar’s resilience and kindness, leading to a renewed, albeit chaotic, friendship. The series sets a quirky tone, blending comedy and drama while hinting at deeper themes of friendship and redemption against the eccentric backdrop of Florida.
Oscar Costa
Abel Cepeda
Scott Plummer
Florida Man
Ashley Plummer
Disgruntled Bride
John Munro & Don
Iguana Man
Shaun Grant & Christina Wittmeier
Responding Officers
Anthony & Oliver Bridges
Boys on Bikes
Rebecca Kampen
Alligator Handler
The Truck
Newly Divorced Groom